CSP DAO invests in Nodle

Kinetic Kollective
3 min readFeb 25, 2021


We are proud to announce Nodle as an addition to our portfolio.

Nodle’s mission is to build the largest wireless network on earth to connect the next trillion things. Nodle has built the Nodle Network, Nodle Platform, the Nodle Chain and network effects that resulting from:

-Network growth sustained by the Nodle token to attract more users of the Nodle Networking Stack through the Nodle Cash App and the Nodle SDK.

-Demand for network services initiated by Nodle’s own offerings; e.g. the Nodle M1 Social Distancing Wearable, the Smart Asset API, and security certificates, along with any services built by Network Developers on top of the Nodle Chain and Platform.

Layer 0 | Hardware & Networking: Nodle interfaces directly with the physical hardware of an IoT device, and in some cases provides reference firmware running on the IoT device. This gives the Network unprecedented access to the physical hardware (for example, sensors, memory, and compute functions). Network Connectivity is created by a crowdsourced network of millions of smartphones, which is made available to IoT devices through the Nodle Infrastructure. This layer represents significant computer and wireless networking resources.

Layer 1 | Consensus & Compute: The Nodle Blockchain provides the underlying layer and security for governance, reward allocation, payment, and root of trust, (in the case of the Nodle PKI [Public Key Infrastructure]). Permissions and controls are put in place to protect parties in the network from potentially malicious smart contracts. This layer interfaces with Nodle systems to coordinate the routing of data and reward allocation. Securing this layer are blockchain validator nodes, which today are run by Nodle, and will soon be opened up to third parties.

Layer 2 | Smart Contracts: Running atop the Nodle Chain are applications that may have access to lower levels of the networking stack. For example, sensors on an IoT device, radios on a smartphone, or billing services. Smart Contract support is expected to be deployed in the coming months. They enable what we call Smart Missions. A Smart Mission is an arbitrary task that a subset of Edge Nodes has been commissioned to perform; this could be upgrading the firmware of an IoT device by staying next to it for two minutes, locating a lost device in an uncovered area, and much more. Smart Missions can be created with their own logic code and reward mechanisms, as chosen by the developers. The current layer 2 applications like the Smart Asset API are operated using oracles; oracles are in charge of exposing IoT data to the chain’s components and smart contracts. Under the hood, we use a feature from Parity Substrate called offchain workers.

Layer 3 | Client & User Interface: The Final layer represents services that are opened up through web interfaces, APIs, and on-chain services. This represents core products built by Nodle; for example, the Nodle Cash App, Smart Asset APIs, the Coalition Enterprise Suite, and internal dashboard. Smart Contract support will enable third parties to build new applications atop the Nodle ecosystem. Today, these services are a combination of on-chain and off-chain infrastructure.



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